Resolution explained for magnetic angle sensors

文章作者:Carmine Fiore和Serge Reymond,整体电源系统

这里是如何有意义define resolution and bandwidth, determining factors in magnetic position sensor performance.


This article proposes a way to define resolution such that it can be consistently determined across different sensor’s datasheets. We will also show that for magnetic encoders, resolution alone is not sufficient to adequately compare products. Sensor bandwidth, which is often absent in many magnetic position sensor datasheets, is also required to compare magnetic angle sensors.

measurement error

Before defining resolution, it’s important to clarify some points related to measurement error. A measurement error is defined as the difference between the measured value of a quantity and its true value. This error can be divided in two components, described below:

  • systematic (or bias) error:系统误差是在相同条件下执行的多个测量中保持恒定的组件。该误差可以估计为大量测量值的平均值与测量的真实值之间的差异。
  • 随机错误:随机错误是总误差减去系统错误。它说明了在相同条件下执行的一组测量中的不可预测变化。

图1shows the different combinations of random and systematic error. There are three groups of measurements, with different amounts of random and systematic error. Group A has a larger random error, group B has a larger systematic error, and group C has similar random and systematic errors.

图1Combinations of random and systematic errors are segmented into three groups. Source:monolithic Power Systems


standard deviation and confidence

A metric that can be used to quantify the amount of random error in a measurement is standard deviation (σ). In statistics, σ measures the dispersion of a set of samples around their average. The higher the dispersion, the higher the σ. This parameter is also referred to as the root-mean-square (RMS) noise.

一组测量通常遵循钟形曲线分布,也称为高斯或正常曲线(请参阅图2)。This is the case when the random variation does not depend on the past error. The Gaussian curve peaks at the measurements’ average (µ), and σ characterizes its width. If the total area under the Gaussian curve is normalized to 1, then the area delimited by a range of values [a1, a2是measurem的结果的概率ent falls somewhere between a1and a2。The larger the range, the greater the confidence that a single measurement falls into that range.

图2Gaussian distribution is shown with µ = 0 and σ = 1. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

表格1列出了将测量包含在[µ –nσ,µ +nσ]范围内的概率或信心。

表格1The list shows the confidence factor for several values of n. Source: Monolithic Power Systems



Resolution is then the smallest interval that an instrument can detect. To determine this interval, this article will assume that the distribution of random errors follows the Gaussian distribution. This leads to a question: how far apart should two angles be to distinguish both angles with a reasonably high probability?

When the distance between the two angles is smaller than 6σ, the two noise distributions centered on the angles significantly overlap (denoted as “A” in图3)。If the result of the measurement falls in the overlap region, it’s impossible to know if the true angle is angle a1or a2。只有当两个角度之间的距离等于或大于6σ之间,单个测量才能区分这两个点,其置信度等于或高于或高于99.73%(图3中表示为“ B”)。因此,传感器的分辨率为6σ的间隔。


类似物-to-digital conversion

Generally, the output of position sensors is given in a digital format; for example, it may be provided through an ABZ or SPI interface. In this scenario, the analog signal from the magnetic sensor must be digitized.图4显示数字磁角传感器的简化框图。请注意,该图包括一个过滤器块,将在下一节中进一步讨论。

图4The simplified block diagram of a digital magnetic angle sensor includes a filter block. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

The step size for analog-to-digital conversion (ADC)—namely the range of values in the analog domain divided by the number of steps in the digital domain—is often wrongly interpreted as the sensor’s resolution. This interpretation is only correct when the peak-to-peak noise of the analog signal is smaller than the step size of the ADC.


图5shows how noise is carried from the analog domain to the digital domain. In this example, the step size is 1, while the peak-to-peak noise is 6. In addition, the continuous and discrete distributions are shown on the X-axis and Y-axis, respectively. Since the noise exceeds the digital step, decreasing the step size does not improve the resolution.

图5Here is how noise is carried from analog to digital domain. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

When providing a measurement in a digital format, the resolution can also be expressed in bits, calculated with Equation (1):

解析度bit= log2FS/6σ (1)

Where FS is the full scale of the quantity to be measured.

In the case of angle measurements, FS = 360°, which means the resolution can be estimated with Equation (2):

解析度bit= log2360/6σ (2)


When discussing sensor performance, a key parameter that is often overlooked is the bandwidth, also known as the cutoff frequency. Sensor bandwidth corresponds to a signal’s frequency range, which can be measured by the sensor. Signals with a frequency larger than the sensor bandwidth are attenuated. A detailed characterization of the sensor would require its transfer function under an analytical or graphical form. At the bare minimum, the cutoff frequency should be provided.

图4shows that a low-pass filter stage can be implemented in the sensor. This reduces the noise on the sensor output. In this case, the sensor bandwidth is same as the filter’s bandwidth. If the noise distribution is Gaussian, decreasing the filter bandwidth by a factor of 4 decreases the noise by a factor 2, which increases the resolution by 1 bit. This means that information regarding the noise or resolution should correspond with information regarding the bandwidth.

A bandwidth that is too low for an application can have dramatic effects. If the sensor is used inside a control loop, the system may be unstable, and the motor may exhibit oscillations, noise, and/or loss of efficiency (see图6)。在此图中,r是位置参考,amis the motor shaft angle, and Asis the sensor output. A common design rule is to have filter bandwidth at least 10 times larger than the bandwidth of the control system or control loop.


图7、图8和图9显示效果of a low-pass filter bandwidth (BW) on angle measurement, noise, and control loop performance, respectively.



使用BW滤波器以显着降低噪声(请参阅图8)。As the bandwidth gets lower, the noise is more attenuated.

图8Different filter bandwidths can also impact sensor output noise. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

图9shows how different filter bandwidths affect motor control loop performance. If a filter has a lower bandwidth (denoted with the red line), then there is more overshoot and a longer settling time.

图9This is how different filter bandwidths can affect motor control loop performance. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

What to look for in datasheets

To ensure that a sensor is well-suited for your application, it’s crucial to make a distinction between a digital step and the actual sensor resolution.



Table 2shows an example from a datasheet. In this scenario, the resolution is misleading since it’s actually referring to the digital step. If the filter bandwidth is configurable, multiple noise values may be listed.

Table 2Datasheet example shows how resolution figures can be misleading. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

Using the lowest noise value shown in the table, the resolution can be calculated with Equation (3):

解析度bit= log2360/6σ= log2360/0.06 = 12.55(3)

By comparing both resolution and bandwidth, it’s possible to determine the real performance differences between products. The filter bandwidth can be expressed through several parameters such as time constant, step response, or cutoff frequency. Table 2 shows an example using the filter time constant and filter cutoff frequency.


For many Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) angle sensors, the digital representation of the data is 16 bits; meanwhile, the resolution, sensing technique (Hall or TMR), and the filter bandwidth vary between parts.Table 3lists the resolution and bandwidth values for some sensors in the MagAlpha family. Note that some sensors have a configurable filter bandwidth, which allows them to be adapted to different application requirements.

Table 3该列表显示了各种传感器的分辨率和带宽值。资料来源:单片电源系统

The table also illustrates how the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) sensing technique used inside themA600与基于霍尔的传感器相比,传感器有助于在更高的带宽下实现强大的分辨率。

The article explained the definition of resolution starting from the description of random error and the statistical concepts of standard deviation and confidence. It also clarified the difference between the digital representation—number of bits provided on the sensor output—and the resolution of the sensor measurement, in case it’s provided in digital form.

By showing the effect of filtering, the article proved that both resolution and bandwidth must be considered to determine a product’s real performance. Finally, it provided an example of a typical magnetic angle sensor datasheet to show how to correctly interpret the information contained in it.


Carmine Fiore is an application engineer atmonolithic Power Systems.

serge Reymond is sensors application manager atmonolithic Power Systems.
