革命性汽车行业发展 - 汽车自动驾驶

Article By : Arrow Electronics


The automatic driving of automobiles has been a new trend in the development of the automobile industry. Major automobile factories and information industry manufacturers are actively investing in the development of automatic driving vehicles, and many automatic driving cars have been actually driving on the roads. This article will introduce you to the development overview of automatic driving technology and related solutions.




自动驾驶的原则是使用雷达,optical radar, GPS and computer vision and other technology to sense the environmental conditions, then through the advanced control system, the sensory data is converted into appropriate navigation roads, as well as obstacles and related signs, control the movement and action of the vehicle along the road to automatically get the vehicle to the set destination.

The key factor for people to accept and trust the autopilot system is “safety”. The safety of the autopilot is not an option nor a feature, but always an absolute pursuit. NVIDIA, which is actively involved in the development of the automatic driving processor, has launched the world's first single chip automatic driving vehicle processor DRIVE Xavier recently. From the very beginning, NVIDIA has incorporated safety into the design of NVIDIA DRIVE computers for automatic driving vehicles. Including hardware and software stack, experts have adopted security technology in all aspects of the computing system. All R&D tools and methods used by NVIDIA should ensure that the developed software achieves expected performance, is secure, reliable and backup; and the strict process is determined to ensure that there is no safety dead angle.

NVIDIA has invited TÜV SÜD, the world’s leading automotive safety and reliability company, to evaluate the safety concept of the newNvidia Xaviersystem-on-chip (SoC). “Safety first” computer design is equivalent to the combination of component expertise, architecture, design, tools, methods and best practices. TÜV SÜD evaluated the safety, durability and quality of cars in accordance with national and international standards and confirms that the Xavier system-on-chip architecture is suitable for automatically driven vehicle applications, it shows that Xavier has reached the functional safety standard ISO 26262 of the automotive industry and also achieved the highest functional safety rating in the automotive industry: ASIL-D.

Xavier是世界上第一个自动驾驶处理器,也是迄今为止最复杂的系统级芯片,有超过90亿个晶体管能够处理大量数据。Xavier的GMSL(千兆多媒体串行链路)高速IO将其连接到迄今为止最大的LIDAR,RADAR和相机传感器。系统级芯片中有六个处理器:ISP(图像信号处理器),VPU(视频处理单元),PVA(可编程视觉加速器),DLA(深度学习加速器),CUDA GPU和CPU。它每秒可以进行近400万亿个计算,仅人工智能的学习能力高达30万亿次。如今,它可以应用于最先进的生产工具。

为了协助汽车开发制造商开发自动驾驶系统,NVIDIA还推出了NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier开发人员套件。在Nvidia Jetson Agx Xavier开发人员套件的帮助下,很容易创建和部署自动驾驶系统的AI应用程序。

在Nvidia Jetpack,Deepstream SDK,Cuda®,Cudnn和Tensorrt软件库的支持下,此套件提供了您立即入门所需的所有工具。而且,由于它使用了新的Nvidia Xavier处理器,因此其性能比其前身产品Nvidia Jetson TX2高20倍以上,并且其能源效率高10倍。

Do you want to be absent from the application of the autopilot system? Please get to know NVIDIA’s autopilot vehicle processor DRIVE Xavier and Jetson AGX Xavier developer kit immediately, to accelerate the ideal world of auto driving together.

