Novel energy harvesting tech could reshape medical devices

文章作者:艾米丽·牛顿(Emily Newton)

One primary downside of medical devices is that their batteries need replacement or recharging. That may not be the case for too much longer with this development.



Millions of people rely on pacemakers and other implantable cardiac devices to keep their hearts functioning normally. However, those items need battery replacements every decade or sooner. Replacing the battery requires the patient to undergo surgery. Besides the expenses associated with those ongoing procedures, any operation carries the risk of complications.

Researchers at Dartmouth University hope to use the heart’s energy to power pacemakers. If that idea becomes a reality, it could eliminate those scheduled surgeries to replace batteries.

The team’s goal was to harness the kinetic energy of the pacemaker’s lead wire that gets attached to the heart. They used a polymer piezoelectric film called PVDF thatturns mechanical motion into electricity如果设计有多孔结构。2019年,研究人员在开发和测试方面取得了足够的进步,他们认为该设备距离商业可用性已经五年了。


Developing More Devices That Are Safe to Use in the Body

设计一个小鬼的持久的挑战之一lantable medical device is finding a material durable enough to withstand the harsh and varied conditions inside the body without introducing toxic elements or other complications.

能源收集的压电选择提供了确定整体电力输出的广泛因素。有些是固有的,像频率常数of the piezoelectric element. Extrinsic factors, such as acceleration and amplitude of the movement, matter too. As you might imagine, materials selection is also critical when capitalizing on this effect.

Many materials used for piezoelectric projects are naturally occurring, such as enamel, bone and crystal. However, another obstacle in biocompatible materials selection is that they’re often too stiff to conform to the body’s surfaces. A medical device may need flexibility similar to a bandage, depending on its purpose.

Building Biocompatible, Piezoelectricity-Powered Wafers

Bioengineersrecently developed可用于产生电刺激以加快骨折和伤口愈合并通过保持肌肉张力来帮助中风患者的“压电晶片”。



If innovations like these become available to the public, medical device makers should strongly consider highlighting the biodegradability aspect. Some patients may understandably be wary of having devices put into their bodies if their physicians suggest it. However, if they know the gadgets will break down after use and feature nontoxic materials, they should feel more open to the idea.

Creating Low-Profile Wearable Medical Devices


That’s especially true when the goal is to capture details that may not be evident during medical appointments. For example, Finnish researchers designed aconnected jumpsuit for babies that trackstheir movements and monitors development. In that case, it was vital that the wearable didn’t annoy the infants or cause discomfort.

Feeling self-conscious is an issue for many adults. It’s vital to prioritize wearable medical devices that are easy to hide or otherwise won’t make someone feel embarrassed when using the product at college, work or another public place.

这就是为什么工程师开发了人们可以在棒球帽下佩戴的能量收集设备的原因。这是毛囊stimulation device that triggers regrowth来自休眠结构。这种方法使用纳米发育仪,这些纳米发电机在将低频电脉冲传输到头皮之前,从佩戴者的正常运动中被动地收集能量。


Making Wearable Medical Trackers More Convenient


They originally made a proof of concept TEG in2017。However, the engineers said an upgraded type announced in 2020 was closer to the efficiency provided by stiff devices. One of the components is EGaIn, a nontoxic alloy of gallium and indium. It provides stretchability plus electrical conductivity similar to metal.

Mehmet Ozturk, who worked on the project and coauthored a研究论文about it, explained, “The key here is using ahigh thermal conductivity silicone elastomer用石墨烯片和egain掺杂。弹性体提供了针对穿刺的机械鲁棒性,同时改善了设备的性能。使用这种弹性体使我们能够将热导率(传热速率)提高六次,从而改善了侧向热传播。”


Wearable and implantable medical devices are increasingly common, whether they treat an ailment, accelerate the healing process or help physicians track a patient’s status. These products are especially beneficial if users do not need to go through the hassle of recharging or replacing their batteries. The examples here show what’s possible and illustrate why energy harvesting could be essential for making medical gadgets more valuable and practical.


艾米丽·牛顿is a technology and industrial journalist who enjoys discovering how the IoT is impacting different industries. Emily is editor in chief of革命– an online magazine exploring trends in science, technology and industry.Subscribe向她的新闻通讯跟上最新消息。
