
文章:Brian Dipert



去年,Apple只在秋季举行了一个新产品介绍事件(从技术上讲,夏季结束),我涵盖了哪个其中主要集中在新的iPhone和Apple Watch模型上。今年的节奏相反地包括在内秋季活动,第一个再次在9月中旬并再次集中在iPhone和Apple Watch产品线上,另一个更近期和更多产品多样化10月中旬。首先关注9月的活动,公司开始宣布Apple Watch系列4产品线在GPS-ock和GPS-Plus-Cellular Valiants中,在过程中EOLing遗留系列1并类似于它与第3系列产品线之前的一年内完成的内容。

The biggest design change this time involves a ~30% larger display area for both watch sizes, primarily accomplished via improvements in the screen-to-bezel ratio (i.e. the watch dimensions are only minimally changed from Series 3, and prior-generation bands still work fine). Unsurprisingly, there’s a new S4 SoC powering the Series 4, containing fully Apple-designed CPU and GPU cores inside. Other functional enhancements include an improved accelerometer and gyroscope (now claimed capable of reliably detecting when the wearer has fallen and initiating an emergency call), louder built-in speakers, a relocated microphone, and an electrode in the crown intended to be touched by the other hand’s finger in order to implement closed-loop ECG (electrocardiogram) measurement capabilities (which haven’t yet been enabled by supportive software).

Last year, I told you about Apple’s premier OLED-based smartphone, the iPhone X, which also included a depth-sensing front camera array and a dual rear camera (able to, for example, support narrowed depth-of-field “bokeh” effects, which the company refers to as Portrait mode). This year’s successor is a双产权家庭;iPhone XS具有不变的5.8“屏幕尺寸,但基于下一代SOC,7个NM制造的A12仿生(命名反映其新添加的神经网络推理处理核心)和6.5”兄弟,iPhone XS Max的6.5“兄弟姐妹。由于新的较大像素图像传感器和A12仿生的改进的ISP和其他子系统,这两款手机还要求前后相机低光和其他质量和性能度量的改进。

其他智能手机模型苹果在9月推出的是iphone xr.。与iPhone XS系列一样,它基于A12仿生SOC,包括前深度相机。但它集成了6.1“1792×828像素边缘到边缘LCD,而不是OLED,因此在XS和XS MAX之间分割屏幕尺寸差异(以及提供值得注意的分辨率缺陷,不仅与其OLED对应物相比一种lso competitors’ LCDs of similar dimensions). But thanks in no small part to the LCD-vs-OLED differentiation, it’s also quite a bit less expensive than its OLED counterparts; 64 GB versions of the XR, Xs, and Xs Max are respectively $749, $999, and $1099. And iFixit tongue-in-cheek calls it the “iPhone 9.,“反思命名节奏跳过我一年前指出

三种新产品的相对定位非常清晰;XR是用于主流的A12基于仿生的手机(我还应该注意到XR仅包含单个后部相机;它仅通过AI培训的软件完成了它的肖像“Bokeh”效果,因此目前只与人们的面孔合作)。相对定位与iPhone 7和iPhone 8前体是模糊的(显然不仅仅是我;据报道,该公司现在是基于消费者偏好对前任的消费者偏好,对生产远离较新模型的重新提高)。当然,每个增量生成都包含更强大的SoC架构;iPhone 8家族还提供无线充电支持。但两者都是iPhone 7(它是非常对我来说,苹果仍然畅销,iPhone 8进来4.7“基地和5.5”加上变种;以下是最低容量模型定价堆栈:

iPhone 7(32GB) iPhone 7 Plus(32GB) iPhone 8(64GB) iPhone 8 Plus(64GB) iPhone XR(64GB)
449美元 569美元 599美元 699美元 749美元

向前到10月。首先是MacBook Air.从那时到那一点,许多行业观察者由于它已经上次(特别是)更新了多长时间而被忽视的斩波块。虽然旧版本仍然待售,但目前,这一新模型是一个重要的上升;例如,视网膜高清显示器以及双霹雳3 / USB-C端口沿左边缘(让MacBook Pro的请求)和升级的英特尔CPU和图形。As such, frankly, it seriously muddles Apple’s portable computer portfolio, which also includes 13″ and 15″ MacBook Pros and the 12″ MacBook, whose only remaining redeeming quality is its slightly thinner/smaller size and lighter weight (thankfully Apple already killed the 11″ MacBook Air, otherwise the MacBook would have even较少的其存在的理由)。

在牙齿上同样长,谢天谢地也更新,是Mac Mini.。你可能会注意到的第一件事是从银色到“空间灰色”的颜色转变,而是升级动作在引擎盖下的大部分。需要较新的四核和六核心的Intel CPU选项(具有相关的图形升级),因为最大内存容量从16 GBytes到64 GBytes(以及远离Decored-Dred DRAM的反向返回可拆卸,并且可能用户升级的SO-DIMM模块)。缓慢的HDD,无论是独立的还是由闪存增强,都没有更换仅限SOSD存储容量选项。外部连接扩展到四个Thunderbolt 3端口,伴随着双USB-A端口。

但是,该节目的明星是iPad产品线(从此没有看到以来的更新2018年3月......那个说,对iPad Mini的更新,最后在2015年9月升级,仍然是MIA),特别是高端iPad Pro(自从此没有看到更新2017年夏天)。通常,Pro模型包括比主流平板电脑对应的更高性能SOC,以及多个扬声器,用于更高质量的声音。Pro产品线还有12.9“显示选项,直到2018年3月iPad模型,专业人员是您可以获得铅笔用户界面支持的唯一意味着。

正如普通读者可能已经记住,我一直在探索迟到的替代计算方法(到MAC和PC);一种基于Google Chrome OS的PixelBook例如,和一个一起Apple iPad Mini 2。What I hadn’t previously mentioned is that I also recently picked up a brand new (therefore still AppleCare+ extended warranty-eligible) first-generation 9.7″ iPad Pro, fully loaded with 256GB of storage and LTE cellular data support (along with Wi-Fi, of course), for $499 tax-free from小狗电子。这种特殊模式最初在2016年3月底发布,并于2017年6月替换了10.5“第二代继承者。我不知道为什么单位小狗卖给我仍然可以购买新的购买品牌以后的购买它的EOL日期,但是当我注意到一个类似装备的第三代11“iPad Pro会让我回来超过两倍的现金...... $ 1,099加上销售税,准确。

As you may have noticed from the previous paragraph’s details, the smaller of the two iPad Pro models has increased its display size each generation, the result of both form factor growth and improvements in the screen-to-bezel ratio (those of you drawing analogies to my earlier Apple Watch Series 4 and iPhone XR mentions are spot-on).正如预期的那样,最新iPad Pro系列的两位成员也在iPhone XS / XR的A12 Bionic SoC的核心计数变量上运行,称为A12x Bionic ... Apple已经完成了现有架构的iPad定制的“x”版本过去几次,反思(以及其他事情)的反思性需要处理更高的显示像素,以较小的屏幕智能手机与大屏幕平板电脑的可接受速率计入。

与这些最新iPad专业人员的另一个值得注意的是,他们已经从Apple的专有闪电连接器转换为行业标准的USB-C。这是,对于任何接受苹果的人进行任何合理的时间,这是一个值得注意的偏离。My guess as to why they did this is two-fold: with the new systems’ battery capacities, they needed more rapid recharging (therefore more electron “juice” transference) than Lightning could reliably supply, and their content-creation target market wanted to be able to easily系列高分辨率外部显示器(Apple在介绍事件中专门突出显示的功能)。

与闪电到USB-C转换有些相关的是Apple宣布为新iPad专业人员的外围伴侣的V2铅笔。它的增强的功能won’t be accessible to existing iPad (2018) and iPad Pro owners, since it’s backwards-incompatible, in part because the first-generation Pencil charged over Lightning whereas this time inductive (“wireless”) charging is employed via a magnetic bond between Pencil and tablet. I’m still not buying that the铅笔是可接受的替代品静态鼠标和触控板支持… but I’ll save more discussion on this point, as part of a broader treatise of whether or not (and if so, how and when) Apple will obsolete x86-based computers in favor of its own SoC-powered successors, for a near-future post of its own.

目前,我将通过为Apple的核心和芯片设计团队提供丰富的荣誉来得出结论。我在本帖子中讨论的每个基于非X86的产品都收到了处理器升级这次... Apple Watch(S4),iPhone XR和XS(A12仿生)和iPad优点(A12x仿生)。即使是MacBook Air和Mac Mini也包含新的Apple设计的T系列协处理器。这种成就与长期趋势不一致,相当相反;当您时,时间表可预测性(更不用说代文功能和性能改进)都非常令人惊讶看看大局。关于Apple的新产品及其硬件和软件子系统基础,对您攻击了什么,积极地和/或消极地击球?评论中的声音。

-Brian Dipert.是嵌入式Vision Alliance的主编,以及BDTI和InsidedSP主编的高级分析师,该公司的在线通讯

